Last February 25th, I began a fundraiser seeking to raise $810 to purchase 90 days worth of freeze dried dehydrated meals - for at least one meal a day. That's 90 meals @ $9 each. Okay fine. I was overwhelmed by the positive response!
Within 12 hours into my fundraiser, I had already received $607 and Evangeline (my daughter) gave me a lead to a family friend she met while in Illinois.
She began to tell me that our friend had a whole storage unit filled with freeze dried meals, that he wanted to sell or get rid of. So, I wrote him. Why not?
Within minutes he responded and pledged to send me the necessary meals I needed above and beyond the $607 I already raised towards "these types" of meals. I would only have to pay for the postage from Illinois to my Home Base Manager (HBM) in Sandy, Oregon! Sandy, Oregon is my "Staging Area" prior to transporting to the Starting Line in Astoria, Oregon by May 4th. Awesome! Praise God!
So, as the writing of this report, three tote containers, as shown in the photo above, are being weighed and prepared for UPS™ to come and pick up for door to door shipping! I'm simply waiting right now for the final weight so I can pay for the shipping online. Wonderful!
Since I will be traveling by bicycle through 10 States, covering 4,230 Miles in 90 days, my Home Base Manager (HBM) will be shipping me a "Care Package" every 10 days while I am on route somewhere on the highway. I will be combining freeze dried meals (add water only) by My Patriot Supply™ and Mountain House™ with other meals from grocery stores, gas stations, and road side restaurants. It appears that my meals are now covered for the entire journey! Praise Jesus! *
* I still will be needed to increase my support level for some un-purchased camera gear, camping fees, other housing, and other road expenses. More on that later...
Let me show you some stock photos of samples of freeze dried meals for your own interest. Of course, the actual meal will not look this beautiful. I will be eating the meal out of a pouch after adding hot water but in my mind it will look this beautiful. haha Watch the video at the bottom...
Watch this video below for a more accurate and realistic view of what it is like to eat freeze dried, dehydrated meals:
With less than 68 days remaining before my departure date of May 2nd (Manila to Portland) and my starting line date of May 4th, from Astoria, Oregon, I am in honeymoon stage! Haha The reality stage will hit probably during those first mountains of Oregon! HaHa
