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Day 38 to 43 of Mitch's Trans America

Writer: Mitch MetzgerMitch Metzger
  • Riverside, WY

  • Crossing into Colorado

  • Heeney, CO and crossing Hoosier Pass

  • Fairplay, CO

  • Canon City, CO

On Day 38 is when I packed up my tent fast today and rushed off to post office in Rawlins, WY to pick up my care package with 20 more Bibles and freeze dried meals.

This postmaster in Rawlins, WY set up a system where you can donate or grab an item you want or do not want. I took some peanuts and left some of my dehydrated meals.

While getting my daily snacks at gas station, I met a racer who thought he was in 30th place. His name was Reuben Trach. I had him autograph my map and got some video of him and selfie. We had interesting chat and I learned a lot. He eats tons of oatmeal. His favorite power food. I got started first and he passed me later after he finished eating. He was aiming at 200 miles and me at 60.

Reuben Trach, one of the racers. I call him the "Oatmeal Guy."

Reuben Trach the racer

In Saratoga, I had a guy approach me from He was offering any help, housing, if I needed. He was expecting another rider later. I had great break at gas station eating lunch and resting. It empowered me to finish well at Riverside, WY.

In Riverside, WY, I found campsite early, after 5:00PM, for $12, and set up tent fast. I showered and went to dinner across the hwy. Everyone was watching hockey game on big screen.

In the evening, I went to the laundry room to start working on my blog while charging all my gadgets, but got tired early at 10:45PM. I have A LOT of video I want to edit and get uploaded but either lack time or energy to work late into night like I would normally do if home. Tomorrow, I cross over into Colorado in two hours from here. Left bible in laundry room. 🚴🇺🇸

Day 39 is the day I cross over to Colorado. While having coffee and oatmeal outside the Grocery Store, one racer zipped by followed by two more racers (man and women) on a tandem bike. One thing about the TABR racers, is they seem to stir you to not be taking it too lazy. They are always zipping here and zipping there.

After my oatmeal and got some groceries and started uphill heading towards Colorado. I took nice break at CO "Welcome" sign, and met racer coming through. We chatted and I got his autograph. His name is David.

Crossing the Colorado border

As I pulled away, Will, the fireman arrived! We rode together for 15 mins until I decided to pull ahead. At the next city I was at 49 miles but 3:00PM only, motivated, I continued on with 30 mile uphill to Continental Pass at 9,600 feet.

After Rand, CO

Will, the fireman, again. We met at Colorado border and stayed together for about 15 minutes

I saw few antelope today but over 15 deer. The deer of Colorado are bigger, healthy, muscles, formed, and stronger than OR, ID, MT, and WY.

After arriving at Denver (not the city of Denver) Campsite, I payed my $19 fee and set up before it would rain.

Campsite I stayed in after crossing over the Continental Divide

I had no formal dinner tonight, only snacks, peanuts, seeds.

Nice sleep in tent. I finished OR, ID, MT, WY. Now, Colorado...Trans Am has 10 States. Glory! 🚴🇺🇸

On Day 40, I woke up in a cold campsite but the moment the sun came up it got nice. I feed a couple a chipmunks my peanuts. They bury their food for later.

Saw a goose probably 15 pounds today. I put in a big day today to get me closer to the summit for tomorrow.

As I progressed up, the clouds started raining, on, off, on, off - typical mountain. The deer in Colorado are stronger than WY, MT, and OR. Many houses here are brown. Not a lot variety in color of homes.

I found a national campsite called McDonald. $18 but no water and no shower and all food must be in bear lockers. Cooked cheddar cheese soup and crawled into bed early.

McDonald Campsite after after Heeney and before Silverthorne, CO

Tomorrow is the big day climbing.

Day 41 is my great day of climbing to Hoosier Pass. Hoosier is the highest point on the Trans America Bicycle Trail. I made a full movie production of this day. 33 minutes viewing time. Excellent. Watch it here:

Day 42 was my day off in Fairplay, CO. I stayed in a 1930's Hotel. It was great. I edited the above video and got caught up on laundry, communication, and this blog.

Hand Hotel in Fairplay, CO

On Day 43, which was June 17th, I continued on from Fairplay, CO to Canon City, CO. This was a record breaking 75 mile day in just five hours! The route goes from 9,600 feet to 5,600 feet.

The vast majority of the highway from Fairplay to Canon City, CO is downhill

The above photos are from Hand Hotel and my day off there.

I never got out of Fairplay, CO until after 11:00AM but still secured 75 miles in 5 hrs!

It rained slightly but rain was either in front of or behind me. I met a racer from Houston. We had snack together at gas station. He was born in Spain.

This is the racer from Houston signing my map. His name is Julious.

Talking some more with the racer from Houston.

I saw lots of privately raised bison in ranches and fenced in. I saw only 1 antelope.

After Hartsel, CO but before Canon City, CO

A yoga guy really was in the mood to talk to me at the end when I stopped at Subway. Weather good. Very fast pace today. Had breakfast with two Koreans this morning back in Fairplay. They are retired restaurant owners taking bike vacation across the USA also but way different route. I gave them my card, gave them some map advice. Talked to some Harley riders today at gas station. 'Bikers' and 'bicyclists' are kinda natural friends cause they travel similar compared to 'car' people. Hope to have big day tomorrow also. Excited about reaching flat, windy, Kansas

Day 44 is Canon City, CO to Boone, CO...wait for it



About Me

My name is Mitch Metzger. I am a former U.S. Marine who has been a Christian missionary in the Philippines from 1988 until present. I have traveled and preached in 28 countries and all 50 States in the USA.


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